A Memorable Experience at Collision Conference 2023
After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. Thi...
After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. Thi...
A Memorable Experience at Collision Conference 2023
After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. This trip was different. I have flown many airlines, but this was my first flight with #WestJet. The first part of my trip began in Los Angeles and ended in Calgary. The flight was quite pleasant and seemed faster than I expected. The process to enter Canada was extremely quick and easy. After my layover, it was back on a plane to Toronto. Once again, my flight was just as enjoyable as the first one.
My colleague picked me up at the airport and we drove to Niagara. The last time I visited #Niagara Falls and Toronto was when I was 4 or 5 years old. Seeing the Falls conjured up some vague memories I have from my previous experience. It was quite a spectacular sight.
After a long drive through heavy rain and traffic, we arrived at my colleague’s home. I met his lovely wife and 2 son’s. They could not have been more gracious hosts and made me feel very welcome.
The next day, we drove into the city of Toronto to attend the “Collision Conference”. It was held at the #Enercare Centre.
After arriving, we checked in and received our badges. We then proceeded to our assigned booth and set up our materials. Soon after, the doors opened to the attendees and our day of introducing our software began.
We spoke to many people and demonstrated how our #Web3 platform can help any size organization build their own #ecosystem, avoid subscribing to multiple platforms and save them a great deal of money. We also shared our many useful functions and how our self contained software can allow them to collaborate internally and externally.
Before our demonstrations, people were not exactly sure of the capabilities of our software. They have never seen anything like it before. The simple truth is… there is nothing comparable.
After seeing a demo, people started to understand our software and realized the tremendous benefits, value and potential it can bring to their organization. We were very well received and the enthusiasm was overwhelming.
“Collision” turned out to be a fantastic experience and we are already looking forward to next year’s event.
Visit idhubs.com for more information and learn how your organization can build it’s own ecosystem.
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After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. This trip was different. I have flown many airlines, but this was my first flight with #WestJet. The first part of my trip began in Los Angeles and ended in Calgary. The flight was quite pleasant and seemed faster than I expected. The process to enter Canada was extremely quick and easy. After my layover, it was back on a plane to Toronto. Once again, my flight was just as enjoyable as the first one.
My colleague picked me up at the airport and we drove to Niagara. The last time I visited #Niagara Falls and Toronto was when I was 4 or 5 years old. Seeing the Falls conjured up some vague memories I have from my previous experience. It was quite a spectacular sight.
After a long drive through heavy rain and traffic, we arrived at my colleague’s home. I met his lovely wife and 2 son’s. They could not have been more gracious hosts and made me feel very welcome.
The next day, we drove into the city of Toronto to attend the “Collision Conference”. It was held at the #Enercare Centre.
After arriving, we checked in and received our badges. We then proceeded to our assigned booth and set up our materials. Soon after, the doors opened to the attendees and our day of introducing our software began.
We spoke to many people and demonstrated how our #Web3 platform can help any size organization build their own #ecosystem, avoid subscribing to multiple platforms and save them a great deal of money. We also shared our many useful functions and how our self contained software can allow them to collaborate internally and externally.
Before our demonstrations, people were not exactly sure of the capabilities of our software. They have never seen anything like it before. The simple truth is… there is nothing comparable.
After seeing a demo, people started to understand our software and realized the tremendous benefits, value and potential it can bring to their organization. We were very well received and the enthusiasm was overwhelming.
“Collision” turned out to be a fantastic experience and we are already looking forward to next year’s event.
Visit idhubs.com for more information and learn how your organization can build it’s own ecosystem.
2+ mins read
Create your Personal Branding with id4pro and Optimize Your Digital Presence For Greater Professional Success
Create your Personal Branding with id4pro.com and Optimize Your Digital Presence For Greater Professional Success
Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A s...
Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A s...
Create your Personal Branding with id4pro.com and Optimize Your Digital Presence For Greater Professional Success
Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A solid personal brand enhances your chance of employment and opens up new career opportunities for a professional. For an owner of a small business or a CEO of a large organization, your personal image affects your bottom line. #personalbranding #interactiveresume #personalcalender #blogs #socialmedia #go4odhubs #id4pro
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Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A solid personal brand enhances your chance of employment and opens up new career opportunities for a professional. For an owner of a small business or a CEO of a large organization, your personal image affects your bottom line. #personalbranding #interactiveresume #personalcalender #blogs #socialmedia #go4odhubs #id4pro
10 Characteristics of a fintech leader
1. Clarity of vision: Concrete vision for the future and a CEO and leadership team thoroughly committed to seeing the vision implemented.
2. Aware: Aware of the signals of change occurring in the financial services market and is constantly seeking insights into how fintech is and will evolve in the future.
3. Strategic: Well-developed yet adaptab...
1. Clarity of vision: Concrete vision for the future and a CEO and leadership team thoroughly committed to seeing the vision implemented.
2. Aware: Aware of the signals of change occurring in the financial services market and is constantly seeking insights into how fintech is and will evolve in the future.
3. Strategic: Well-developed yet adaptable strategy for leveraging fintech innovation in order to achieve its strategic business objectives.
4. Customer-centric: Focused on customers first — using customer demands, pain points and challenges to drive technology innovation from the outside in, rather than the inside out.
5. Collaborative: Looks to create both internal and external relationships in order to drive its fintech strategy and buy-in for specific initiatives. The companies work directly with partners, fintech, employees, regulators, industry stakeholders, and others in order to ensure it is leveraging fintech appropriately while helping to develop the broader fintech ecosystem.
6. Dedicated: Dedicated team for implementing fintech innovation — a team that has developed strong, collegial relationships across all business units and departments in the organization in order to ensure fintech is being used effectively to solve real business problems.
7. Agile and adaptable: Able to make changes as required to address the challenges associated with a constantly evolving business and fintech environment.
8. Outcome-oriented: Focused on outcomes, with specific plans to measure and assess the impact of fintech innovation. At the same time, the company recognizes that ROI may take time to achieve and so has identified a range of other measures and metrics in order to help guide fintech-related decisions.
9. Willing to learn: Open to learning — not only from its own experiences but from the experiences of others both within and outside its industry.
10. Long-term and short-term focused: Able to focus on implementing the long-term, transformative changes required to reshape the work they do and how they do it — while also implementing the incremental changes required to respond to day-to-day challenges. The company has found ways to ensure that any incremental changes do not go against the guiding principles of its long-term fintech strategy.
#Blogs #fintech #leader #entrepreneurs
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1+ min read
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