After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. Thi...
After all the arrangements and anticipation, it was time for my trip to #Toronto for the 2nd Annual #Tech #Startup #Collision Conference.
We all know how air travel can sometimes be problematic and hinder our travel experience. This trip was different. I have flown many airlines, but this was my first flight with #WestJet. The first part of my trip began in Los Angeles and ended in Calgary. The flight was quite pleasant and seemed faster than I expected. The process to enter Canada was extremely quick and easy. After my layover, it was back on a plane to Toronto. Once again, my flight was just as enjoyable as the first one.
My colleague picked me up at the airport and we drove to Niagara. The last time I visited #Niagara Falls and Toronto was when I was 4 or 5 years old. Seeing the Falls conjured up some vague memories I have from my previous experience. It was quite a spectacular sight.
After a long drive through heavy rain and traffic, we arrived at my colleague’s home. I met his lovely wife and 2 son’s. They could not have been more gracious hosts and made me feel very welcome.
The next day, we drove into the city of Toronto to attend the “Collision Conference”. It was held at the #Enercare Centre.
After arriving, we checked in and received our badges. We then proceeded to our assigned booth and set up our materials. Soon after, the doors opened to the attendees and our day of introducing our software began.
We spoke to many people and demonstrated how our #Web3 platform can help any size organization build their own #ecosystem, avoid subscribing to multiple platforms and save them a great deal of money. We also shared our many useful functions and how our self contained software can allow them to collaborate internally and externally.
Before our demonstrations, people were not exactly sure of the capabilities of our software. They have never seen anything like it before. The simple truth is… there is nothing comparable.
After seeing a demo, people started to understand our software and realized the tremendous benefits, value and potential it can bring to their organization. We were very well received and the enthusiasm was overwhelming.
“Collision” turned out to be a fantastic experience and we are already looking forward to next year’s event.
Visit for more information and learn how your organization can build it’s own ecosystem.
Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A s...
Personal branding matters to your life and your business more than you think. It is the most effective way to build your trust and credibility, without which nothing could be achieved. A solid personal brand enhances your chance of employment and opens up new career opportunities for a professional. For an owner of a small business or a CEO of a large organization, your personal image affects your bottom line. #personalbranding #interactiveresume #personalcalender #blogs #socialmedia #go4odhubs #id4pro
Brenda Rhodes, the Chief Executive of Bracebridge Chamber, says, “IDHUBS’s ecosystem of collaboration and communication is exciting and new, and we have used the survey mechanism to engage our Membership and community for the Bracebridge Business Awards and during this COVID Crisis. IDHUBS led by Rojit Sorokhaibam was able to find solutions for the frustrations that we were facing with other surveying platforms. The platform gave us easy access to the information businesses in our community were providing and allowed us to share it with partners and all levels of government for our advocacy efforts. Rojit and his team at IDHUBS can grasp concepts quickly and make adjustments to ensure the program works best for you in a timely manner. It was a great experience, and we will continue to work with Rojit and his team into the future!”
Taking advantage of the IDHUBS platform solution, a community-focused eMarketplace named has been launched to serve the communities of Kawartha Lakes and Peterborough. Since the platform is able to manage any given community or a region, we invite any like-minded community to take advantage of the new platform. The platform will be managed and maintained by the IDHUBS team based in Lindsay. IDHUBS also encourages business owners to be a part of this platform. IDHubsMart can immediately contribute and help small business owners in the following ways with no cost to the business owners:1. is a community-focused marketplace. 2. Using IDHUBS AI (Artificial Intelligence) and the geolocation integrated engine, the platform will connect you with community shoppers and business listings. 3. Business owners can easily create a beautifully crafted, mobile-friendly profile, and create a business store listing for their products and services. 4. Each business receives a business name associated unique web URL. The business listing offers space for a description, logo, business address, location map, working hours, and reviews. Additionally, this can include an online store where the business owner can upload products, provide product information, and start selling. Existing social media ids can be linked to display on this URL. Business owners can write blogs and promote their business through other social media channels. In other words, an e-commerce enabled business identity is created using the IDHub’sMart platform, and it becomes the go-to store for their community shoppers, which is also linked to the common marketplace dashboard. 5. The store e-commerce comes with two delivery options i.e., delivery to the given address and pickup by appointment from the provided address by the store owner. 6. For shoppers and visitors, sign up at, explore and create your personal branding.
We have introduced and ran a test pilot to a few friendly local business owners. One of the owners had previously been selling her hobby handmade crafts products using another website. She finds the IDHub’sMart’s approach innovative, easy to use and manage. “The ability to bring together all the business information into one address is a smart way of doing it. As more and more community online buyers join the platform, it can be a very effective platform in the community and support the local business, says Asha Kongkham – store owner Nungsee. Community business owners can click here to sign up and setup their business. For Support, contact our support team at